lunar phases


Capricorn Full Moon
Lunar Eclipse
June 26, 2010
7:31:AM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

Our Full Moon this month is a Lunar Eclipse and is in Capricorn; the sign of granite and grain, of monuments and Moonstones, of reliability and responsibility. Since the Full Moon is also an Eclipse, the energies of this Lunation are amplified and may last as long at 6 months, and in some instances, even longer! An Eclipse is a powerful energy point because the position of the Sun, Earth and Moon are more precise–the alignment is more exact–concentrating the energy with more power and precision. As with any lunation and planetary activity, look to its placement in your individual charts in order to gain a better awareness as to how these energies will potentially manifest for you.

I must say that in all my years of reviewing the activity of the Heavenly bodies, this Eclipse is one of the most powerful I have observed. Along with the Sun and Moon in opposition to one another, we have Jupiter and Uranus, conjunct in Aries, accompanying Saturn in Virgo forming an opposition to the Jupiter / Uranus conjunction and forming a square to the Sun and Moon. And, we have Pluto in Capricorn, conjunct the Moon, squaring Jupiter and Uranus and in opposition to the Sun and Mercury, who is conjunct the Sun. This configuration is known as a “Grand Square,” a very influential and volatile energy configuration indicating the onset of a strong and powerful shift and redirection of amplified energy.

In my “2010 Midyear Forecast” I have expressed much concern for the coming summer months, in fact, since 2005, I have expressed much trepidation that the last part of 2010 could be the most precarious we have experienced, mainly because of the energies set into motion from this Lunar Eclipse. The energy composition of the Eclipse with the Astrological chart for the United Sates is extremely unstable, especially regarding any matters concerning allies and enemies of the Untied States. We may notice there is a dramatic shift in the manner our Government conducts business, similar to the shift that took place after September 11, 2001. In my “2010 Midyear Potentials” which I will post to my web site next week, I shall elaborate on the energies of the coming months.

President Obama will continue facing challenges and scrutiny for his tactics, especially from Europe. The President could also experience a significant health related matter, in the coming weeks and through the summer months, or perhaps something as grave as an attempt on his life.

Neptune, who is moving through the last degrees of Aquarius, creates benefic aspects to the Moon / Pluto conjunction as well as to the Sun / Mercury conjunction. This hopeful configuration indicates that if there are negative circumstances that unfold in the coming weeks, Humanity shall certainly benefit, Spiritually, from the outcome of potential negative actions.

On a final note, I foresee the tragic situation regarding the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico to take a turn for the worse in the coming weeks.

Blessed be.

©2010 Raymond J. Sette

Sagittarius Full Moon
May 27, 2010
7:08:PM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

Our Full Moon this month is in Sagittarius; the sign of the archer, the Vatican, literature and philosophy, of fires and forest, of satire and Singapore. As always, look to where the Full Moon resides in your personal, astrological charts and its aspects, to understand how these planetary energies will manifest for you.

The Saturn / Uranus opposition is once again amplified at the time of the Full Moon; European economic concerns and challenges will continue through the coming weeks, as well as throughout June and July. In my “2010 Mid-year Potentials” I shall continue to elaborate on the world economic condition. Regarding Neptune’s continual inconjunct to Saturn, the matter pertaining to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico will take another disastrous turn and the United States will not be pleased with our Government’s response and lack of action concerning this matter in the coming weeks. We will continue to hear about circumstances of neglect, which lead to the oil spill. I’m also sensing another similar incident will come to pass, possibly before the end of the coming summer.

Venus in Cancer at 9 degrees forms an opposition, Full Moon-aspect to Pluto, who remains retrograde until September 13, 2010, at 4 degrees of Capricorn. This aspect in and of itself does not bode well for the real estate market; this slowdown is only part of the overall global, economic slow down. The U.S. government may make an attempt at some type of intervention, such as another bail-out, this time for the real estate market, which could give the housing market a boost, however, I do not foresee the full recovery of that matter will take effect until at least the fall.

Mars at 24 degrees of Leo forms an opposition to Neptune at 28 Aquarius. This highly energized aspect could lead to large and unusual amounts of thunderstorms and sever weather throughout the coming weeks. Large fires caused by severe lighting strikes are also possible. The Full Moon forms a close opposition to Uranus in the chart of the United States, further amplifying the possibility of severe weather in the coming weeks, especially Hurricane activity. On May 24 there was observed by the National Weather Service the formation of an early season tropical depression.

The Full Moon at 6 degrees of Sagittarius forms a tight opposition to President Obama’s natal Moon at 3 degrees of Gemini. We could see a drastic decline in Mr. Obama’s popularity in the coming weeks and through the summer months that could be the result of him taking unrealistic aggressive actions towards sensitive matters, such as the current wars. I suggest Mr. Obama take great care and caution regarding all matters in the coming few months, if not, he may appear to display the actions of a dictator.

Blessed be.

©2010 Raymond J. Sette

Scorpio Full Moon
April 28, 2010
8:19:AM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

Our Full Moon this month is in Scorpio; the sign of the blackthorn tree and bramble, quagmires and Queensland and of secrets and sarcasm. As always, look to the placement of the Full Moon and its aspects to understand how these planetary energies will manifest for you on a personal level.

Humanity is on the approach of a culmination of an amplification of some very powerful energy that will increase and crest with the impending June 26, 2010 Lunar Eclipse. Humanity shall collectively feel this swell of energy, especially during the time of the coming Full Moons. My suggestion is that we are mindful of the energy we set in motion through our thoughts, and that we are ever vigilant in choosing to do and create all things with and from a place of Love.

The Moon is at 8 degrees of Scorpio and along with its opposition to the Sun, La Luna forms an opposition to Mercury at 8 degrees of Taurus, who is conjunct the Sun. As we factor into this equation Mars at 11 degrees of Leo, we have a powerful t-square aspect in fixed signs. One of the many possibilities of the potential outcome of this combustible aspect is that we could observe another tragedy such as the Columbine Sigh School massacre, which took place on April 20, 1999. May 6 & 7, 2010 are vulnerable days.

The 4th Uranus / Saturn opposition–which was exact on April 26, 2 days prior to the culmination of the Lunar cycle–remains energized at this time. The economic transition we have experienced began with the first Uranus / Saturn opposition in the fall of 2008; economically, the coming weeks will be highly volatile and unstable, and, as I have stated in prior forecast, the world economic market will not fully recover until after the last Saturn / Uranus opposition on July 26, 2010. I also feel the final exact opposition will be the most powerful, regarding a turn of events. I will discuss this potential in greater detail when I announce my “2010 Mid-year Potentials” in June.

Pluto at 5 degrees of Capricorn, who is retrograde until September 13, 2010, forms an opportunistic sextile to the Moon and a harmonic trine to the Sun / Mercury conjunction. The benefic power of this formation could be a hopeful indicator that on a personal note, economic matters could receive a powerful push in a positive direction.

Jupiter at 23 degrees of Pisces is conjunct Uranus and opposing Saturn; the first of 3 Jupiter / Uranus conjunctions will be on June 8, 2010, however, Jupiter is in close proximity to Uranus at this time and has an influence to the aforesaid combination. As Jupiter brings expansion to all things, as it is next to the planet of great Awakenings and Awareness, Uranus, Jupiter is offering Humanity the opportunity to once again “wake up” to Spiritual realities (Pisces) regarding all matters of business (Saturn). When we choose to approach business matters from a Spiritual stand point, the outcome of all those dealings will become a “win / win” opportunity for all involved, and not that one shall prosper and the other fall short.

Neptune at 28 degrees of Aquarius forms an inconjunct to Saturn and a minor, semi-sextile (30-degree) aspect to Uranus, further offering greater profundity to the energies of the Saturn / Uranus configuration. In the United States, the people may discover that we have been severely misinformed (Neptune) by our government leaders (Saturn) concerning a serious issue, such as the current healthcare debacle.


©2010 Raymond J. Sette

Libra Full Moon
March 29, 2010
10:25:PM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

Our Full Moon this month is in Libra; the sign of Bartholomew-Nathaniel and Burma, of Nightingales and of Nottingham, England. Look to the precise position of the Full Moon and its aspects to your natal planets in order to gain a personal understanding as to how these planetary energies will potentially manifest for you.

The Libra Full Moon is at 9 degrees and with the Sun at 9 degrees of Aries, the two lights create a powerful and challenging t-square aspect with Pluto at 5 degrees of Capricorn. Saturn, who is retrograde until May 30, 2010, is at 0 degrees of Libra, widely conjunct the Moon and less than 5 degrees of a square to Pluto, within the orb or influence, strong enough to be factored into this extremely volatile equation. The position of this Lunation triggers the energies of the coming Lunar Eclipse on June 26, 2010, setting in motion the manifestation of some very powerful events–globally and personally.

At the onset of the Lunation we find Mars at 2 degrees of Libra forms a transformative and extremely volatile inconjunct to Pluto; further emphasizing the power potential of the shift of energies.

Humankind has observed a tremendous amount of seismic activity since the beginning of this year; our Full Moon this month, as well as the impending June Eclipse, indicate that some very powerful Earth-shifting activity is approaching. As I stated in my “2010 Potentials,” the Earth energies are changing and in the coming weeks we could observer some very powerful shifts, which could manifest in Earthquakes taking place.

Another potential that I have discussed is the possibility of an increase in terror activity, especially from now through this summer. These next few week are a sensitive time for an increase in terror threats and activity, and during this writing CNN posts the following article on its website; (CNN).

Mercury and Venus at 24 and 27 degrees of Aries, respectively, form an opportunistic sextile to Neptune in Aquarius at 27 degrees. Beneficial aspects to Mercury and Venus from Neptune favor high levels of creativity, Spirituality, an open mind to the possibilities of Universal Oneness, the opportunity for the experience of Spiritual Love as well as the continual development of the Psychic and intuitive faculties. Those of us who display a high level of Psychic ability will notice and increase in sensitivity as well as an acute awareness of the shifts in Earth energies that are taking place. Personally, there may be a slight sense of disorientation, feeling a sense of unsettlement and an overall surge of kinetic energy. Be mindful to stay grounded, centered and in the Awareness of Light and Love.


©2010 Raymond J. Sette

Virgo Full Moon
February 28, 2010
11:38:AM, EST
Washington, D.C.

Our Full Moon this month is in Virgo; the sign of detail and deep blue, of haystacks and hay and of maps and mathematics. As with all planetary activity, look to the position of the Lunation and its aspects to the points in your personal charts so to gain better understanding as to how these astral possibilities will unfold for you.

The Full Moon is at 9 degrees of the 6th sign and the Sun at 9 degrees of Pisces is conjunct Jupiter within 11 seconds of a degree. This tight conjunction of Jupiter and the Sun and its opposition to the Moon amplifies the profundity of the Awareness of the integration of Spirituality throughout Humanity. Pluto at 5 degrees of Capricorn forms a hopeful sextile aspect to the Sun / Jupiter conjunction and a harmonic trine to the Moon, further amplifying the possibility of the aforesaid potential in a very powerful manner.

Another potential of the Virgo Moon in opposition to Jupiter in Pisces is that Humanity, individually, can be very aware of the workings of its subconscious mind, if we personally choose to allow that understanding into our own realities so that we can further advance on our course of personal evolution.

A negative manifestation of the Moon opposite the Sun and Jupiter in Pisces is that we could see the rise of another scandal from a religious, spiritual, evangelical / televangelist type persona such as a Jerry Falwell or a Pat Robertson. The exploitation of a minor could be the topic of this scandal, especially in the week of March 7.

Mars, who has been retrograde since December 20, 2009 will move direct on March 10, 2010, forms an opportunistic sextile to Saturn in Libra, who is retrograde until My 30, 2010. This could give the global economy a small boost, however, not until Mars moves direct and we move past the looming Saturn / Uranus opposition and the Saturn / Pluto square, will the global markets fully progress into a satiated recovery.

The Full Moon is conjunct President Obama’s Pluto; this aspect generates a very aggressive nature, especially regarding any military activity. Mr. Obama may feel the need to further increase the military capacity to the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan and we may observe him doing so, again, in the coming weeks. Mars forms an inconjunct aspect to Pluto that give an overall nature of assertiveness and tension to the situation.

We have observed some very unsettled weather here in the United States during this winter season, over the course of the coming weeks we could very well see some of the worst storms of this winter season, so let’s all be mindful to remain safe.

Mercury in Aquarius is less than 2-degrees conjunct Neptune in the 11th sign of the Zodiac; this aspect favors advances in Holistic healthcare and medicine. If we could advance to a place where all healthcare matters would be approached from a Holistic point of view, we would not have the present Healthcare debacle which plaques most of our country. The Mercury / Neptune conjunction in Aquarius offers the opportunity to review our personal healthcare from a Holistic, natural viewpoint.

Blessed be.

©2010 Raymond J. Sette

Leo Full Moon
January 30, 2010
1:17:AM, EST
Washington, D.C.

Our Full Moon this month is in Leo; the sign that reigns over of creativity and children, of John the Disciple and of the heart and heat. As with all planetary activity, look to the Lunation’s exact position and its aspects to your personal charts in order to attain a better understanding as to how these astral possibilities will unfold for you.

The Full Moon is at 10 degrees of Leo and the energies of the ongoing Saturn / Pluto square are amplified at this time. The second exact square of this transiting aspect is the day after the Full Moon on January 31, 2010 at 4:28 PM, EST. We have already observed an increase in terror threats and terror activity in the last 6 weeks; the coming weeks are another “hot” time for an increase of terror coercion and activity. We will also see another decline in the stock market, as we have observed during the last 10 business days of January.

Another potential of the Pluto / Saturn configuration is the opportunity for Humanity to restructure the manner in which it carries out all matters of business. In January of 2009, there was a summit held in Davos, Switzerland where business leaders from around the globe gathered to discuss how to deal with the crumbling economic condition of the world. All of the world’s leaders may convene at the most majestic of locations on Earth and unless we approach the current economic condition, or any other affair in our lives for that matter, from a Spiritual perspective, no matter what it is that we do in the physical world, the solution will only be a temporary band-aid to something greater than our current awareness will lead us to believe. In the last 18- 19-months, we have been offered the opportunity from the Universe to remember our connection to the Source from which all matter has been created.

The connection to that source has never been severed, we have only forgotten, in out Humanness, that connection; NOW is the time to remember our connection to the infinite “All That Is” and walk in each day knowing that connection. This Awareness is something I have eloquently and Lovingly conveyed in the 12 chapters of “The Planets.”

Transiting Jupiter, who entered Pisces on January 17, 2010, forms an opportunistic sextile to Pluto and a transformative inconjunct aspect to Saturn. As expansive Jupiter transits Pisces we will have a greater opportunity to increase and further develop our Spiritual understanding. With Jupiter’s inclusion in the Saturn / Pluto configuration, we have the opportunity to include a greater sense of Spirituality with all business related matters. I suggest to those who have the desire to succeed in any business venture; first and foremost, may all of your intentions have a basis in Spirituality, those whose businesses establish this quality at its foundation will survive and prosper, especially in the coming 2 years.

Mars in creative and dynamic Leo is conjunct the Moon within 1 degree and is retrograde until March 10, 2010. The Martian energies fuel the energies of the abovementioned Saturn / Pluto configuration; use these creative energies lovingly and with altruism.

The Leo Moon and Mars are conjunct President Obama’s natal Sun, which is 12 degrees of Leo; a relatively tight aspect of slightly more that 2 degrees of a conjunction. The Moon and Mars also form a square aspect to Mr. Obama’s natal Neptune. In the past I have stated my concerns about our President; he may be somewhat of an idealist and with these Full Moon aspects–especially to his natal Neptune–he may experience a sense of false confidence as well as not having the ability to see all matters with clear vision. In his “State of the Union” address on January 27, 2010 he stated: “The worst of the storm has passed” [for the economy]…. I have expressed that I believe the more challenging economic conditions are behind us, and I have also stated that we must proceed with caution and that the current state of the economy may be a “false positive.”  I have foretold there is potential for a second economic decline. I believe that Mr. Obama may have been premature in making this statement and his idealist quality may be amplified at this time based on the current Astrological circumstances.


©2010 Raymond J. Sette

Cancer Full Moon
Lunar Eclipse
December 31, 2009
2:13:PM, EST
Washington, D.C.

Our last Full Moon of this year, here in the United States, is in Cancer; the sign of cooks and cradles, of real estate and white roses. Our Full Moon is also a Lunar Eclipse, so the magnitude of these energies are at a higher level and the effects can remain in motion for as long as 6 months, where at that time the energy will rise to another level of consciousness. The energies of an Eclipse are very powerful; the Moon is at 10 degrees of Cancer, so look to the placement of the Moon in your charts and its aspects to gain further understanding of these astrological energies and what my potentially unfold for you on a personal level. And, since this is the second Full Moon of December in my part of the World, this is a Blue Moon.

The energy of the on-going Saturn / Pluto square is amplified at this time; Pluto is within 7 degrees of a conjunction to the Sun and within a 7 degree opposition to the Moon. Venus in Capricorn is conjunct the Sun and Pluto and opposite the Moon. Factoring Saturn into this equation we have a cardinal t-square aspect.

The Moon is less than 3 degrees from the Sun in the chart of the United States; an Eclipse close to the Sun in any chart is extremely significant. The amalgamation of the aforementioned planetary energies indicate that the coming 6- 12-months could be very unsettled here in our country, and, it could also signify a time when the United States could begin to rise to its pre-recession status. With Pluto in this equation, another possibility is that terror alters and activity will be on the rise. I do foresee the possibility of a significant terrorist situation at some point during the last 6 months of 2010. I also feel New York City to be very vulnerable on New Year's Eve as the Eclipse is directly opposite the Sun in the astrological chart for New York City.

Mercury in Capricorn–who moved retrograde on December 26 and remains so until January 15–forms a sextile to Uranus in Pisces. This opportunistic aspect may indicate that during the coming months the continual shift in consciousness could rise to a higher level. We may notice certain political leaders who shift their political position towards a posture that is more Humanitarian, especially with the healthcare issue. The bigger picture of the healthcare calamity–on a personal level–is that we, as individuals, become more aware of how we are creating the condition of our bodies so that we are not in need of the medical attention that is of exorbitant cost. I will elaborate on this matter in my “2010 Potentials,” which will b on line next week. I’ve also discussed in chapter 6 of “The Planets” this matter of creating the condition of our bodies.

With a powerful Eclipse on the Eve of a new year, depending on how we individually use the energy potentials of this coming year, it may prove to be one of the greatest years of your lives. Of course, as with all things, we are at choice as to exactly how we will create our realities in this coming year.

Blessed be.

©2009 Raymond J. Sette

Gemini Full Moon
December 2, 2009
2:31:AM, EST
Washington, D.C.

Our first Full Moon this month is in Gemini; the sign of communication and canvassing and of brethren and Belgium. The Moon is at 10 degrees of Gemini, so look to the placement of the Moon in your charts and its aspects to gain further understanding of how these astrological energies will manifest for your personally. Our second Full Moon, or Blue Moon, this month will be on New Years Eve here in the United Sates; this Holiday Season is sure to be fill with much activity and energy.

At the culmination of the lunar cycle, the Full Moon forms a harmonic trine to Saturn in Libra, this aspect bodes well for the economy during this Holiday Season, however, I warn that we may be feeling a false positive regarding the recovery of the economy. I do feel the worst is behind us, and I also foresee that a full recovery will not be force until this coming summer. Simply stated, let us be mindful not to overspend this Holiday and to remember the foundation of this season is Love and Light, above all else.

Mercury traveling through the sign of the higher mind, Sagittarius, forms an opportunistic sextile to the ongoing Jupiter / Neptune conjunction in Aquarius. The final exact conjunction of this Jupiter / Neptune cycle will be on December 21 and I will further discuss this aspect in my next New Moon forecast. During this Season of Light, collectively, we will find ourselves more receptive to the concept of Peace on Earth, good will towards Humanity. The typical hustle and bustle of past Holiday Season’s may not be as intense during this coming season. Our Human civilization is on the cusp of a new dimension of thinking; we may see in the headlines some grand act of Humanitarianism in these coming weeks, which these humanitarian mercurial aspects are creating.

The one challenge is Uranus in Pisces forms a tight square to Mercury; this aspect could present an outlandish demonstration of martyrdom in some bizarre manner.

The ongoing Saturn / Pluto square remains in tight orb and in the Full Moon chart cast for the United States we have Saturn located in the 12th house of secrets and scandals; we may have yet another government outrage coming to the surface in the coming weeks.

The Full Moon is conjunct Uranus in the chart of the United States; collectively this aspect brings a greater sense of overall Awareness of all things to the populous of the U.S. This conjunction may also indicate that in the media (Gemini) during the coming weeks we could see some very unusual, out-of-the-ordinary and sensational headlines. Seismic activity could also be on the rise.


©2009 Raymond J. Sette

Taurus Full Moon
November 2, 2009
2:14:PM, EST
Washington, D.C.

Our Full Moon this month is in Taurus; the sign that rules banks and bankers, jewelry and jewelers, stables and white stones. Always be mindful to review the exact placement of the Full Moon and its aspects it creates to the points in your personal charts to gain further understanding as to how these planetary energies will manifest on an individual level. The Full Moon is at 10 degrees of Taurus.

Mercury is at 8 degrees of Scorpio, conjunct the Sun and opposite the Moon. Into this equation we have Mars at 7 degrees of Leo creating a t-square aspect with the Sun, Mercury and the Moon. A t-square aspect in fixed signs is very rigid and can be extremely unstable especially when the planet that exudes an explosive nature, Mars, is in the equation. The square aspect is also one that emanates great creative energy, especially with Mars in the creative and dynamic sign of Leo. So, let us be aware to personally direct this energy into something imaginatively productive.

The first exact Pluto / Saturn square is on November 15, 2009; the subsequent are on January 31, 2010 and August 21, 2010. This Full Moon energizes this precarious transit and in the coming weeks I suggest we become that much more aware of our surroundings and take great care and caution wherever our travels may take us.

A significant Pluto / Saturn transit played a role in the events of September 11; we may not necessarily see another development of such tragic events, and I will also say that we should not take for granted the possibility that such another unfathomable day may come to pass. Pluto square Saturn could indicate a terrorist attack on a dam and North Korea could also be in the headlines; their leader will continue his insubordination and we could hear of another nuclear test, or something to that magnitude.

This transit will be in play through next Summer, what we can do is to be mindful of what we are being at all times, and become mindful of the energies we create, beginning in thought, that we radiate to the Universe.

Terror alerts could very well be on the rise as soon as this article is posted and may continue through to the end of this year. As I write, there seem to be increased reports in the news regarding suicide bombings and violence. This is just one “hot” time period and I will discuss others as we progress into the coming year. As well as in the United States, we may see another terror threat in England.

In the Full Moon chart cast for the United States, Pisces is rising and Uranus in Pisces is in the first house. Events which include earthquakes, water, flooding could also be possible, as we observed during the time of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake / tsunami. The Sun in the water sign of Scorpio and the Moon in the Earth sign of Taurus amplifies the Water and Earth element dichotomy.

The Full Moon forms a square to President Obama’s natal Sun and transiting Mars in Leo is passing over his Sun. He may very well be faced with some very challenging issues in the coming weeks, especially regarding foreign affairs. Any matters pertaining to the military and the conditions that surround Iraq and Afghanistan will certainly be a challenge for our president; these matters may intensify over the coming month. The Full Moon is opposite Mr. Obama’s natal Neptune; this aspect indicates bewilderment and indecisiveness, it may also potentially cloud his vision and decision-making abilities. This aspect may bring to the surface some unpleasant matters from his past. If there are any past circumstances regarding his campaign or if there are any conditions where he may not have been truthful, the reality of the situation could surface. One area where there may be an issue is with his past financial transactions.

Saturn entered Libra on October 29, 2009 and will continue its passage through the 7th sign of the Zodiac until October 5, 2012 when it enters Scorpio. In Astrology this is where Saturn is said to be exalted; the sign in which a planet is most favorably located and where it’s energies are demonstrated to the highest degree.

Balance, in all of nature, will be created, especially in the areas of the world where governments and our leaders are concerned. We may see a very slight glimpse of the suggestion of a World Government, and a possible reestablishment of the balance of power in the United Nations as Saturn continues its journey through Libra.


©2009 Raymond J. Sette

Aries Full Moon
October 4, 2009
2:11:AM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

Our next Full Moon is in Aries; the sign of amethyst and adventurers, of hats and holly. Always look to the exact placement of the Full Moon and the aspects it forms to the points in your personal, astrological chart to gain better understanding as to how these energies will manifest for you on an individual level.

At the onset of the Full Moon we have Mercury in Virgo (Virgo–overall health and physical well-being), who moved direct on September 29, forming an opposition to Uranus (Awareness) in Pisces (Spirituality). This energy brings a sense of understanding as to how we can nurture the body beginning with the awareness to our connection to the body; the overall mind/body connection–in short, the physical bodies connection to Spirit.

In the headlines over the coming weeks we may observe reports that involve children as their main subject that could center on exploitation and abuse in some strange and unusual manner. One possibility is the exploitation of a younger individual from a religious/spiritual leader. Saturn in Virgo conjunct Mercury, also indicative of an authority figure oppressing a younger individual.

Saturn to Mercury also indicates the healthcare debacle will continue to endure scrutiny and challenge; some unpopular decision regarding this matter could be made by President Obama or some other government official.

Saturn in Virgo moves closer to its square to Pluto in Capricorn; this aspect continues to indicate we have not moved into a full, global economic recovery and we may notice a small set back regarding economic matters. During the process of writing this piece the stock market experience a bit of a decline from its rally of the past few weeks. Venus in Virgo forms an inconjunct to Jupiter in Aquarius; another indication of a possible economic set back.

Let us remember to remain centered to the Universal source that nourishes all things; this remembrance is what will allow Humanity to rise above any adversity, economic or otherwise.

Mars at 23 Cancer forms an exact sextile to Mercury at 23 Virgo and an exact inconjunct to Neptune at 23 Aquarius; Mercury also forms an exact inconjunct to Neptune. This configuration is known as a Yod or “Finger of God” aspect, which is symbolic that there is a very powerful shift of energy at hand. The “finger” in the aspect configuration points towards Neptune; one possibility is that the continued shift towards a greater spiritual awareness is again at hand. In short; we are being given the opportunity (sextile aspect) and the kindle (Mars) to change our thoughts (Mercury) towards an existence that is connected to Spirit (Neptune) that will have an end-result, which serves the greater of Humanity (Aquarius).

Blessed be.

©2009 Raymond J. Sette

Pisces Full Moon
September 4, 2009

12:03:PM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

Our coming Full Moon is in Pisces; the sign of water lilies and lizards, of sacrifice and Scandinavia. As always, look to the exact placement of the full Moon and its aspects to your astrological chart in order to gain greater understanding as to how these energies will manifest for you.

The ongoing Saturn / Uranus opposition, which is in effect through the summer of 2010, is once again activated. The opposition will be exact on September 15; this is the 3rd of 5 exact oppositions. The Saturn / Uranus transit has been a major planetary influence to our present economic condition and will continue to be a significant factor as the transit continues.

We seem to be progressing steadily towards an economic recovery period and may notice a bit of a fiscal setback in the coming weeks. This possible delay is to alert Humanity of any false sense of security it may have created. If we feel a sense of security because the “economy is doing better,” we have not become aware of the inspirations the Universe if offering Humanity during these unprecedented years.

Regardless of any economic condition or apparent financial security, Humanity must come to know that we are forever connected to the source that created all of life, despite what seems to take place in the physical world, we are all safe. The security in knowing we are connected to the source of all that we need and desire is what will allow each of us to effortlessly weather any economic storm, or any challenge for that matter.

Saturn in Virgo forming an inconjunct to Neptune in Aquarius could be an indication that there will be a rise in the price of oil in the coming weeks. There is also the possibility of another viral and / or pandemic outbreak in the weeks ahead; a government may be trying to cover up a matter regarding a viral epidemic.

Mercury in Libra, who is retrograde on September 7, forms a square to Pluto in Capricorn. We may notice some radical shifts in thinking in the general public, especially from our governments and leaders. Pluto makes a square to Uranus in Pisces indicating a good possibility of extreme weather with the possibility of a sever hurricane (Uranus in a water sign, Pisces) in the coming weeks.

Mars in Cancer opposes Pluto and squares Mercury, creating a t-square aspect in cardinal signs. Pluto moves direct on September 11, 2009 and in the weeks thereafter, we may see some disruptions or even violence in the area of a public school as we did with Columbine High School incident.

Venus in Leo (elaborate luxuries) forms an inconjunct to the Full Moon and a sextile to Mercury causing us to rethink where we place our true sense of what is valuable and important.

Blessed be.

©2009 Raymond J. Sette

Aquarius Full Moon
Lunar Eclipse
August 5, 2009

8:55:PM, EDT
Washington, D.C.

Our Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse this month is in Aquarius, the sign of the New Age and the Humanitarian, of navigation and nervous disorders, of television and telegraphs. As with all planetary activity, look to the Eclipse’ placement and its aspects in your personal charts in order to gain better understanding as to how these astral possibilities will unfold for you.

Along with the Moon in altruistic Aquarius we have Jupiter and Neptune; their conjunction will be within its range of influence until the end of this year. Humanity’s shift towards an existence that is based in Spirituality and Oneness has been accentuated during these last few months and these Eclipse energies continue bringing to form these hopeful qualities into our consciousness.

Pluto in Capricorn forms a harmonic trine to Mercury in Virgo and an opposition to Venus in Cancer. Pluto’s aspect to Mercury is a good indication that if we have been diligent in striving towards a state of mind that is Humanitarian, kind and compassionate during these last few months, the fruit of our labor will become know in the coming 6 months. The aspect to Venus in Cancer may not bode well for matters regarding real estate (Cancer) in the coming weeks, especially sales and the market value of homes. Mars in Gemini in the 4th house (real estate) of the Eclipse chart cast for the United States is receiving a square from Saturn in Virgo adding to the challenge of selling real estate.

The Eclipse at 13 degrees of Aquarius is less than 5 degrees from President Obama’s natal ascendant and within 1 degree of an opposition to his natal Sun. The Eclipse is located in Mr. Obama’s 12th house, (all that we hide, that which is hidden and darkness from our past, and confinement) and with the opposition to his Sun this may indicate something unpleasant from his past may come to the surface. The situation may present itself now, and in November may resurface or come to complete fruition at that time. Since the Eclipse is conjunct his natal ascendant, we may notice that he changes direction in the manner in which he does business and / or his popularity will surge or decline dramatically in the coming months.

The chart for the creation of North Korea is triggered at this Eclipse. Once again, we may hear news that their government has conducted another nuclear test and this country could now possibly be even more defiant than they have been in the past. This coming November is another “hot” time that we will observe insubordinate and seditious behavior coming from this country’s government. I foresee them to be very hungry for power and may stop at nothing to attain such levels of supremacy.

The Eclipse of August 6, 1990 was also at 13 degrees of Aquarius and during that time came to pass the invasion of Kuwait and the defiance of Saddam Hussein. Our present Eclipse is not as volatile as was the 1990 eclipse before the first Gulf war, however, we may see some similarities in the behavior of North Korea as we did with Mr. Hussein during that conflict in Kuwait.

Blessed be.

©2009 Raymond J. Sette

Capricorn Full Moon
Lunar Eclipse
July 7, 2009

5:22:AM EDT
Washington, D.C.

Our Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse this month is in Capricorn; the sign of abbeys and Afghanistan, of mountains and monuments. As with all planetary activity, look to the Eclipse’ position and its aspects in your personal charts in order to gain better understanding as to how these astral potentials will develop for you.

An eclipse is a potent point of power during the year indicating a major shift of energy. During an Eclipse the Moon forms a greater and more precise alignment with the Sun and Earth, amplifying the already strong energy of a Full Moon. The effects of an Eclipse can be felt up to 3 months prior to the actual Eclipse and will remain in effect for 6 months after–sometimes even longer! The uniqueness of the coming months is that we have back-to-back Eclipse; one in July and another on August 5 indicating that these next 2 months will be filled with great activity for us personally as well as globally.

This month’s Eclipse is at 15 degrees of Capricorn and forms an opposition to Mercury in Cancer. An Eclipse increases tidal and seismic activity on Earth; as emotions are connected to water and with Mercury in Cancer (water, emotions) we will notice that we are experiencing an increase of emotional activity and discharge. If we find ourselves experiencing situations that trigger a powerful release of emotions, the Universe is offering Humanity the opportunity to release whatever not longer serves us on an emotional level and if not released may create damage to the psyche and at an extreme, harm to the physical body. These unprecedented times during our Human evolution indicate a period of release and rejuvenation; let us release what no longer serves a purpose so that the essence of who we are can experience an opportunity of rejuvenation and joy.

And, since the Full Moon is opposite Mercury, the planet of the mind and mental action, we will notice the activity of our minds at a higher level, so we must be more diligent in keeping ourselves grounded as to not allow thoughts to become too consuming in a negative and destructive manner.

Mars in Taurus forms a very tight square to the ongoing Jupiter / Neptune conjunction in Aquarius. We may see some very, very unusual weather developing in the coming weeks as well as the potential for a sever Hurricane here in the United States. Those of us who are more sensitive to energy, especially on an intuitive, psychic level may notice a significant increase of energy and Spirit activity. Let us be mindful to remain grounded to the Earth during this time so as to not become overwhelmed by the aforesaid activity.

Blessed be.

©2009 Raymond J. Sette

Sagittarius Full Moon
June 7, 2009

12:10: PM EDT
Washington, D.C.

This month’s Full Moon is in the sign Sagittarius; the sign of the higher mind and foreign lands; of altars and animals, of philosophy and philanthropy. As with any lunation and planetary activity, look to its placement in your individual charts in order to gain a better awareness as to how these energies will potentially manifest for you.

We begin with Saturn in Virgo forming a t-square aspect to the Sun in Gemini and the Moon in Sagittarius. There could be another viral outbreak or swine flue incident in the coming weeks, however, as I have stated, I do not foresee this to be something that will be of epidemic proportions. I feel more fear is being given to this situation than necessary. Mercury moved direct on May 30, so clarity regarding this matter, and other matters that may appear to be in limbo, will be clarified after June 15. Mercury, at the onset of the Lunation, is squared by the Neptune / Jupiter conjunction offering the continued opportunity to look within ourselves when having the desire to receive the answers to our questions. Meditation would be a great tool to employ at this time.

Uranus in Pisces forms a sextile to Mercury in Taurus, which can assist in the facilitation of awareness and present new insight to any matters that may have seemed to be confusing. Uranus in Pisces offers the awareness to come through in Spiritual solutions.

The aforesaid challenging (Saturn), yet creative (square) aspect, will bring continued struggle in the coming weeks for our president regarding foreign relations and matters at hand. Regarding the situation with North Korea, I believe this could be just the tip of the ice burg. There will be another incident in early August and or again in November of this year; North Korea will continue to be defiant and may possibly launch another nuclear test. As Saturn continues its transit of President Obama’s 7th house and forms an inconjunct to his ascendant, he will feel continued pressure regarding foreign affairs. He may need to make some unpopular and unconventional decisions concerning those matters, especially with the circumstances regarding North Korea.

Pluto in Capricorn forms a trine to the conjunction of Venus and Mars in Taurus. I’m hopeful this aspect will bring to fruition some good, economic energies. Venus in Taurus, when well aspected, will always bring the opportunity for the manifestation of beneficial financial matters; Mars in Taurus directs our energies and attention toward creating those matters.

Blessed be.

©2009 Raymond J. Sette